Friday, November 28, 2008

Intuition - Its Powers and Perils

This is a book written by Professor David G. Myers.

How reliable is our intuition? How much should we depend on gut-level instinct rather than rational analysis when we play the stock market, hire an employee and others?

The Professor shows us that while intuition can provide us with useful and often amusing insights, it can also dangerously mislead us.

This is a highly entertaining.exceedingly well-written book, which represents a powerful introduction into the scientific study of intuition, and to the scientist serves as inspiration to see connections between seemingly disparate phenomena that are kept neat by apart in the daily business of cognitive science.

The author reviews but rejects evidence for a psychic component of intuition; nevertheless he has many stories and accounts of research experiments that will be of interest to us. The section of his website devoted to this book contains chapter extracts as well as many links to other sites of interest for each chapter.

The website is as follows:-

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Business Genius by Peter Fisk

Business Genius is a book that help you to drive business more profitable, sustainable growth in today's markets. It explores the challenges of strategy and innovation leadership and change as you grow your business and yourself in order to achieve high performance.

The author defines 'genius' as 'intelligence' + 'imagination' = 'extraordinary results'. The combination of intelligence and imagination, the connection of opposites, is the source of new insights, of unusual ideas, and of extraordinary results.

Genius is about fusion. In his book, the author has delivered four fusions as follows:

1st fusion: Right brain, Left brain-This requires you to take a more creative approach to your challenges and to focus your imagination on what matters most.

2nd fusion: Future back, Now forward - This means seeing opportunities and creating tomorrow while also delivering today.

3rd fusion: Outside in, Inside out - This requires you to do business based on the customers' needs, rather than on your own needs or on what you have always done.

4th fusion: Radical ideas, Practical action - This means making every action count, ensuring that radical ideas deliver more significant impact.

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Post-American World

The Post-American World
by Fareed Zakaria

This is not a book about decline of America, but rather about the rise of everyone else.
He sees the "rise of the rest" - the growth of countries like China, India, Brazil, Russia and many others - as the great story of our time, an one that will reshape the world.
Mr Zakaria argues that we are now in the midst of the third great tectonic power shift to occur over the last 500 years. The first was the rise of the West, the second was the rise of the United States and this the third is what he calls "the rise of the rest".
The role of the United States will be diminished, but not irrelevant. Economic, diplomatic and social power is rising in the rest of the world. Although the United States remains the supreme military power, the spread of capital,labour, innovation, ideas and information continues to bring down the level of influence the United States once had in world affairs.
For 60 years, the United States has pushed countries to open their markets, free up their politics and embrace trade and technology. Yet just as the world is opening up, the United States is closing down. Americans forgot to globalise themselves.
How should the United States understand and thrive in this rapidly changing international climate? Mr Zakaria answers these questions with his customary, lucidity, insight and imagination.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Kristabel's Movie World Trip

Click on the above box one or two times to play the video.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Kristabel's 1st Birthday

Click on the above box one or two times to play the video.