Saturday, September 6, 2008

50 Prosperity Classics by Tom Butler-Bowdon

This book is a series of 50 classics written by Tom Bulter-Bowdon.

Bulter-Bowdon selected fifty important books from success literature. He gave a concise summaries of each book's main points, how they came into being and what each offers the reader on their path toward a life of abundance. He also provided biographical information on each author of the books he selected.

Butler-Bowdon brings together fundamental works on entrepreneurship, personal finance, investing, economics and philanthropy, providing guidance and support in the quest to develop a millionaire mindset, become a wealth creator, make wise investment decision, managing financial assets and give a little back.

Bulter-Bowdon believes there are four primary ways in which we relate to wealth. He's divided the fifty prosperity classics into these categories -

Attract prosperity; Create prosperity; Manage prosperity and Share prosperity.

Attract prosperity: Mastering the inner game of wealth and abundance with books such as
The Secret - by Rhonda Byrne (2006)
Prosperity - by Charles Fillmore (1936)
The Master key to Riches - by Napoleon Hill (1965)

Create prosperity: Learn from the secrets & strategies of wealth creators such as
The Art of Money-Getting - by P.T. Barnum (1880)
How to Get Rich - by Felix Dennis (2006)
Be My Guest - by Conrad Hilton (1957)

Manage Prosperity: Discover the nuts and bolts of personal finance and investing such as
The Little Book of Common Sense Investing - by John C Bogle (2007)
The Intelligent Investor - by Benjamin Graham (1949)
Cash flow Quadrant - by Robert Kiyosaki (1998)

Share Prosperity:Understand the flow of wealth and how to give something back with inspiration from
The Gospel of Wealth - by Andrew Carnegie (1899)
The Foundation: How Private Wealth is Changing the World - by Joel Fleishman (2007)
Banker To the Poor - by Muhammad Yunus (1998)

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