This book is written by Robert J Shapiro. He looks into the future to tell us what our world will over the next dozen years.
Shapiro foresees monumental changes caused by three historic new forces - Globalization, the Aging of societies and the rise of America as a sole superpower with no near peer - will determine the paths of nations and the lives of countless millions.
Rob Shapiro thinks we can expect
- US military hegemony will be a thing of the past while the new superpower rivalry will be between China and the US.
- Mexico and Turkey will produce most of the world's cars.
- The US will be the premiere source of products and services, but the economy will be hostage to foreign lenders for capital to develop these products.
- China will be able to offer less-developed countries a new model of political and economic success based on investment -led growth.
- Japan and Europe will move to the periphery of world power.
-Labour forces will contract and economic growth will be stymied, the vast number of retirees will create a financial crisis for government.
- Two wild cards : Terrorism & Technological Advancement have the potential to unpredictably alter the projected future outcome. Technological advancement includes nanotechnology, biotechnology and information technologies.
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